Student Guardian visa (Subclass 590)

Visit to support a child who holds a student visa. 

About Student Guardian Visa Subclass 590

The Student Guardian Visa Subclass 590 is designed for parents, legal guardians, or approved caregivers of international students pursuing education in Australia under a Subclass 500 student visa. This visa allows them to accompany and provide support to their family members during their studies. The stay granted under this visa is temporary and is limited to the duration of the student’s course. To qualify for this visa, the student must be under 18 years of age. 

When international students under the age of 18 require assistance in their daily activities and care from qualified individuals, arranging paid help can be both challenging and costly. In such cases, family members are often the best caregivers. Recognizing this, the Australian Department of Immigration has established the Student Guardian Visa Subclass 590, which allows parents and approved guardians to apply for the welfare of underage students. Consulting an experienced Migration Agent Australia can greatly assist in understanding and navigating the benefits of applying for and gaining entry into this visa category. 

What This Visa Lets You Do

The Subclass 590 Visa is primarily a temporary visa that permits the holder to provide support, welfare, and accommodation to a non-adult student studying in Australia. This 590 Visa Australia allows the holder to stay for the duration of the student’s course and provide assistance. However, it does not grant permission to work in Australia. Visa holders must also have approved overseas health cover. For clear guidance, consult a knowledgeable and registered Migration Agent. 

What Are Visa Subclass 590 Conditions?

Several conditions must be strictly adhered to by the applicant to ensure a positive response from the Department regarding a Subclass 590 Visa application. Any failure to meet these conditions may result in the rejection of the 590 Visa Australia application. The key conditions of the Subclass 590 Visa include: 

  • The applicant must be a blood relative of the student or an approved relative who is at least 21 years old. 
  • Adequate funds must be available to support both the applicant and the student during their stay. 
  • The applicant must provide accommodation, welfare, and other necessary support. 
  • The applicant must obtain approved health insurance coverage for the entire duration of their stay. 
  • The student must be under 18 years of age. 


To fulfill the Student Guardian Visa 590 requirements and qualify as a parent or approved guardian, applicants must provide specific documents and meet the following criteria: 

  • Proof of being a parent, and in the case of a relative other than a parent, written authorization from the parents. 
  • Proof of age. 
  • Documentation demonstrating financial capacity and current employment status. 
  • Evidence of available assets. 
  • Personal details. 
  • Visa history. 
  • Proof of overseas health cover. 
  • Passport details. 

Eligibility Criteria

To be selected for the Subclass 590 Visa and access its benefits and advantages, applicants must comply with specific guidelines and requirements before considering applying. Failure to meet these Visa Subclass 590 eligibility criteria may result in the rejection of the visa application. The essential criteria include: 

Basic Requirement 

  • The applicant must be a parent in relation to the student or an approved guardian with written authorization from the parents. This visa does not permit family members under the age of 6 to be included, except under certain unavoidable circumstances. 

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement 

  • The applicant must provide evidence of their status in their home country, their intended circumstances in Australia, any prior immigration history, proof of property ownership, significant ties to their home country, and any other factors related to their temporary stay plan in Australia when applying for this particular visa. 

Funds Availability 

  • The funds declared in the visa application must be genuinely available for financial support during the planned stay in Australia. The source of these funds should be legitimate and not linked to any illegal activities. Acceptable sources may include government loans, loans from reputable financial institutions, scholarships, or sponsorship. During the visa application assessment, the department will consider the relationship between the applicant and the fund provider, the applicant’s and the fund provider’s income and employment status, and the applicant’s visa history. 

Health Insurance Requirement 

  • The applicant must purchase health insurance for the entire duration of their stay in Australia and provide documentary evidence of this coverage. 

Personality and Relationship Documents 

  • The applicant must submit identification documents, including the student’s birth certificate showing the names of the parents, photocopies of the passport pages containing their photo, personal details, issue and expiry dates, two recent photographs, and proof of any name changes (if applicable). 

Other Conditions

  • The applicant cannot bring family members or dependents. 
  • If the applicant has multiple students related to them in Australia, they must notify the department of the student they would like their visa linked to. 
  • Once the Student Guardian Visa is granted, no other visa applications will be considered. 
  • The applicant is not permitted to seek or accept employment. 
  • The applicant must maintain overseas health coverage approved by the department. 
  • Leaving Australia without accompanying the designated student will result in penalties. 


When applying for the 590 Student Guardian Visa, it is crucial to review all conditions set by the competent authority. Adhering to the requirements and submitting documents as needed, following the 590 Visa Checklist, will improve the chances of visa approval. Key conditions to check before applying for the visa include: 

    • The applicant must be the student’s blood relative, guardian, or a relative aged 21 or older. 
    • Adequate funds must be available to support both the applicant and the student during their stay. 
    • The applicant must provide accommodation, welfare, and other required support. 
    • The applicant cannot work or seek employment during their stay. 
    • The applicant must obtain approved health insurance coverage. 
    • The applicant must arrive after the student specified in the visa. 
    • The applicant must not stay longer than the specified period. 
    • The applicant must provide support or accommodation and welfare as needed. 
    • The applicant cannot leave Australia without the student and the approval of the immigration authority. 

Processing Time

The processing time for the Subclass 590 Visa depends on the type of application submitted and individual circumstances. To expedite the process, applicants can consult with an experienced Student Guardian Visa Subclass 590 immigration consultant to achieve the desired results. Processing times may vary but typically range as follows: 

Visa Type 

25% of applications processed in 

50% of applications processed in 

75% of applications processed in 

90% of applications processed in 

590 Student Guardian Visa 

21 Days 

45 Days 

4 Months 

9 Months 

Many more rules and procedures must be considered when applying for the Student Guardian Visa Subclass 590. After completing their studies, applicants are required to return to their home country. For more detailed information, contact the appropriate Migration Agent. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, only parents, family members, and parent-approved relatives can apply. 

The fees may start from AUD 710 and vary based on individual circumstances.

The applicant is prohibited from applying for or engaging in paid work during their stay in Australia. 

Student Visa Subclass

Student Visa (subclass 500)

The Student Visa (subclass 500) allows international students to study full-time in Australia for various educational programs.

Student Guardian Visa (subclass 590)

The Student Guardian Visa (subclass 590) allows individuals to accompany international students in Australia to provide care and support.

Training Visa (Subclass 407)

This visa allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia.


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