A Class Immigration and Education Consultants

Training visa (Subclass 407)

This visa allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia. 


About Training Visa Subclass 407

The Training Visa Subclass 407 is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their skills and expertise through work-related training in Australia. This temporary visa provides a valuable opportunity for professional development and hands-on experience in various fields. At A Class Immigration and Education Consultants, we offer comprehensive guidance on this visa category. 

What This Visa Lets You Do

The Subclass 407 visa offers several advantages: 

  • Work-Related Training: Visa holders can undertake work-related training to meet occupational registration requirements, enhance their skills, or build capabilities in a foreign country. 
  • Temporary Stay: The visa allows for a temporary stay in Australia for up to two years, providing ample time for training and development. 
  • Health Insurance: Applicants must maintain overseas health insurance coverage during their stay in Australia. 
  • No Paid Work: Holders of this visa are restricted from engaging in paid work beyond the training activities specified in their visa conditions (Condition 8102). Violating this condition can lead to visa cancellation. 
  • Consult Immigration Agent: Given the specific requirements of this visa, it is advisable to seek guidance from an Immigration Agent in Australia for a smooth application process. 

What This Subclass 407 Visa Allows You To Do In Australia?

The Subclass 407 visa is primarily a provisional visa that enables visa holders to receive occupational training to improve their proficiency. Visa holders can stay in Australia and participate in the required training, contributing to their professional development. Applicants must also maintain overseas health coverage during their stay, as mandated by the Australian government. Consult with a knowledgeable Migration Agent Australia for assistance with visa approval. 

What Are Subclass 407 Visa Conditions?

To secure a Subclass 407 visa successfully, applicants must adhere to specific conditions, as any deviation may result in visa cancellation. The key conditions of the Subclass 407 visa include: 

  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. 
  • Approved Sponsor: Visa applicants must be nominated by an approved temporary activities sponsor listed by the immigration department. 
  • Health Insurance: Adequate health insurance must cover the entire stay in Australia, with documented evidence provided. 
  • Functional English: Applicants must demonstrate functional English proficiency. 
  • Health and Character Requirements: Visa applicants and family members must meet health and character requirements. 
  • Nomination: Applicants must have a nomination from their sponsor, except when the sponsor is an Australian Commonwealth Government agency. 
  • Visa Requirement: Applicants must hold a substantive visa, with specific exclusions. 


To qualify for the Subclass 407 Training Visa and enjoy its benefits, applicants must meet specific guidelines and instructions before applying. Failure to fulfill these Australian 407 visa eligibility criteria may result in application rejection. The key details include: 

  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be at least 18 years old, with some flexibility for exceptional situations. 
  • Approved Sponsor: Applicants must have an approved sponsor, listed as a temporary activities sponsor by the immigration department. 
  • Nomination: Applicants must obtain a nomination to participate in an occupational training program from their sponsor. Exceptions apply if the sponsor is an Australian Commonwealth Government agency, with nomination requirements varying based on the training’s purpose. 
  • Visa Requirement: Applicants must hold a substantive visa that excludes specific types, as detailed in the official guidelines. 
  • Health and Character Requisites: Applicants must meet the health and character requirements set by the Australian immigration department. 
  • Health Insurance: Adequate health insurance coverage for the entire stay in Australia is mandatory, with documented evidence required. 
  • Temporary Entrant Requirement: Applicants must provide evidence related to their ties to their home country, immigration history, property ownership, significant belongings in their home country, and other factors associated with their temporary stay plan in Australia. 
  • Requirement of English: Applicants must demonstrate functional English proficiency, meeting the visa’s specified conditions. 
  • Other Conditions: Applicants must sign the Australian values statement, not have had a previous application canceled or refused, and meet specific conditions for applicants under 18 years of age. 


To ensure a successful Subclass 407 Training Visa application, applicants must meet the requirements outlined by the relevant authorities. Following this checklist before applying for the 407 Visa Australia is essential: 

  • Proof of Permissible Age: Provide evidence of meeting the age requirement. 
  • Financial and Work Nature Documents: Present documents demonstrating finances and the nature of work. 
  • Nomination: Obtain a nomination from an approved temporary activities sponsor. 
  • Previous Visa History: Submit details of previously held visas. 
  • Health Insurance: Maintain adequate health insurance coverage during your stay in Australia and provide documented evidence. 
  • Functional English: Demonstrate functional English proficiency. 
  • Health and Character Requirement: Meet the health and character requirements specified by the Australian immigration department. 
  • Occupational Training: Demonstrate a minimum of 12 months of full-time work or study in the nominated occupation, with adherence to specific conditions regarding employment. 
  • Temporary Entrant Requirement: Provide evidence related to ties to your home country, immigration history, property ownership, significant belongings, and other factors associated with your temporary stay plan in Australia. 

Processing Time

The processing time for the Subclass 407 visa depends on the type of application and the intended job for which the visa is sought. To ensure a successful and error-free application for the Training Visa Subclass 407, it is advisable to consult an experienced Migration Agent Australia. Processing times may vary, but general estimates are as follows: 

  • 25% of applications processed in: 20 days 
  • 50% of applications processed in: 37 days 
  • 75% of applications processed in: 84 days 
  • 90% of applications processed in: 12 months 

Additional rules and conditions may apply before an application can be submitted. The length of stay depends on the specific training being undertaken. Engaging a qualified migration agent is recommended for guidance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, to extend your stay, you must apply for a new visa. 

The fee for this visa starts from AUD 315 for the main applicant. 

Any nominated job on the occupation list of the 407 Training Visa is eligible. 

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Training Visa (Subclass 407)

This visa allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia.


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